
Making Waves {Portraits}

Thirteen is clearly not what it used to be. (Surely I wasn’t the only teen who suffered as the “before” picture on Stridex ads while reading Judy Blume books.) Hayleigh’s braces are about the only thing reminiscent of my youth. Isn’t she lovely? And you’d never believe her opening admission: “I hate to have my picture taken,” she shared with a wince. Well Hayleigh, hopefully you’ll get used to it. And next time, bring your surfboard!

Carolina Photosmith Portraiture

Carolina Photosmith Portraiture

Carolina Photosmith Portraiture

Carolina Photosmith Portraits

Carolina Photosmith Portraits

Carolina Photosmith sun flare

Carolina Photosmith Lifeguard

Carolina Photosmith Portraits

Carolina Photosmith Sundrenched

Carolina Photosmith Surfing