
Lucky Babe to Win Free Photo Session | Carolina Photosmith

Forget Waldo. I’m looking for the world’s cutest baby!

Okay, each bundle o’ joy is The Most Precious to a bunch of people, so I’ll leave the choice to you. If you know someone whose child will be celebrating his or her first birthday between April and July, encourage the parent to e-mail a snapshot to me with the child’s name and birthday.

I’ll be accepting submissions until the end of February, then I’ll post them to my Facebook business page. You, your friends and your family members vote by making a comment on your favorite baby face. Anyone who “becomes a fan” of my Facebook business page is eligible to vote. Easy, peasy!

The winner will receive a free cake smash session valued at $100, plus a free cake to enjoy as a snack or use as body paint or shampoo. If we schedule the Charleston session a few weeks prior to the birthday, the winner can order invitations, stamps or thank-you notes with the photo. (Rest assured, there’s no obligation — I’m just eager to fill a b-day babe gap in my portfolio.)

Red rover, red rover, send those gorgeous babes on over! For questions or comments, click the handy “Leave a Comment” link above (by the title of this post).